Thursday, February 19, 2009


最近生活很平静, 没好没坏, 身体不是很健康也不算大病, 只是没断根。。。
隐约感到些些不快乐, 也说不上原因。。。。
没心情读书, 也许是因为假期太久了, 也许是做工太久了, 真的没心情。。。
喜欢上南拳妈妈的下雨天, 讲述着到底怎样才能等到那人的回应? 那种等待, 无奈的心境。。。

日子天天过去, 还记得当时发生过什么事, 让我爱上唱K, 还记得心情不好时最爱唱的莫文蔚的爱, 梁静茹的崇拜, 对自己的挑战-- 丝路。
还是爱唱, 虽然唱得不好。

看完珠光宝气, 不觉得是精彩的连续剧, 但还是有点感触, 当妈妈患上老人痴呆后, 慢慢忘记自己的家人, 记忆一点一点的消失。。。 到最后利用录影才能记得自己的女儿。。。 我肯定大家都有想忘掉的事, 想忘掉的回忆, 但这剧情提醒我能记得一切是多么幸福的事。。。
我会提醒自己好的坏的都是我的回忆, 感激还能记得这一切。。。

平静, 平静得我会在我家阳台看日落, 才知道太阳下山时才短短的几分钟, 好美, 真的好美。。。我家的风景好迷人, 只是我从没真正去看着它...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

开心! 开心!

我终于完成我的心愿, 买下了laptop 跟printer哦!
并不是一夜致富, 是长时期努力耕耘才有那么一点钱实现我的心愿。
从大一开始, 就用着那银幕已变色, 线条不断出现的laptop, 多少人叫我换了它,
我都忍着, 忍着。。。 不是对它不舍, 而是根本不够用, 怎么买?
忍着, 忍到自己近视了, 还在忍, 坚持用着。。。

printer本来没那么想要, 但是自从上次被人冤枉,我就暗自决定绝对不靠别人, 我一定会买一架的! 等待那么就终于让我以 rm139 买到all in one的printer, 可以scan, copy, print。 哈哈哈。。。 你们明白我的感受吗?

我相信等待是会有好的回报的, 我相信当前的小亏是值得的。

关于以前的事, 我只想说一句:我沉默并不是因为我理亏, 而是因为我不想争执不会有结果的事。 爱怎么想随便你们吧。。。 相信我的人远远在那里,所以我不担心。

谢谢我的上司的提拔, 和那优厚的待遇~~
相信等待, 耐心等待。。。
当梦成真时, 你会非常开心, 就像现在的我!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


tiz CNY a bit busy~ eve stay till 5.30am~ for giving fortune n healthy to older~~
1st day relative come here, 2nd day we go Pontian grandma's hs gathering~ the Loh's family gathering~ nite go out wif pelangian sing k till 2am~ not enuff sleep la~

3th wif pelangian also~ meet long time no contact de eva, ann n ker ching~ so cute n pretty already~then go others hs "bai nian"~

4th go to bkt indah grandpa's hs~ n go bkt indah jusco for a short walk~ 1st time use my debit card~ muz thx my dearest brother for tat,=.=

5th go wif besta gang~ celebrate jj kee 21th bday~ till 12am, reach hm~
then start malfunction d lo~ sick~

actually at jj hs already start blur blur fever d~ but still consider ok la~
but reach hm i cant even walk properly~ so after bath eat pill d~ at nite start fever n cold~
second day in the morning mum let me eat another medicine~ a cup of hot milk then sleep again~
sleep till 12noon, jj come to return my hp which i drop in his car~ (i think i really very blur already tat time). haiz~ let him saw my terrible look~ somemore his whole family in the car~ oh no~~~ but i cant bother so much~ i still cant resist stand long at that time~ so fast fast i continue to fall sleep again~
forgot wat time~ my bro prepare a cup of milk for me~ ask me wake up and drink it~
so i drink n watch tv a while then go bck to my bed again~
until my parents bck ask me eat sum~ then i wake up a while sleep again~
dunno y can sleep so much~ 24 hrs i sleep about 22hrs i guess on yesterday~
dinner also eat half bowl rice nia~ sure i can slim down d lo~

today eat a bit more, but also sleep a lot~
hohoho~ morning eat oat n soya bean~ then skip lunch, dinner whole bowl rice n soup~
whole day drink 3 bottles of water~
recover already lo~ juz still a bit ear pain, bcoz of cough...

3th feb im going bck kl d~
the bus ticket still rm31.20~ i thk i
wont bck jb t00 frequently already~ not oni bcoz the price of ticket~ also becoz my timetable~ i hving class on sat~ so is not convenience for me to do so~

is the 3th yr for me to live in KL~ juz as my first time went~ not much feeling~
but sometime~ i do wake up n confuse where am i now~ hehe~ too blur~

in 2008~ i gain a lot my precious frenship in jb n kl~ thx everybody who appear in my life~
thx for ur kindness n all memories u all give me~ tq~

i hope in 2009, everyone enjoy a happy year~