Wednesday, July 22, 2009


tis is a long story~ when i was in primary sch~ i got a very close fren, we like sister always stick together 1~ but because of some rumors i heard, n some misunderstood~ i refuse to treat her as a fren, she get close to me, i juz pretend can't see~

after primary~ we in different sch~ i also never thk of finding her again~ until i get the taste of being ignore by other so call "fren", i decided to find her and wanna apologize to her~ (got 2 ppl la, another 1 is mon petit la)

today~ i must remember today~
today i was as usual working in the office, the gal was came to my office to introduce her company product. when she saw me, she immediately figured out who i am~ but i was not so sure is her~
because she is so pretty now~ (although she was a beauty, since primary)

far from my predict, she totally have no idea how embarrass i am. i thk she was very happy to c a long lost fren~

for me is a gift and surprise~ coz recently i juz mention wan to find her~ n sms her already, but no reply~ she told me, her number change already~

anyway~ i decide already~ all my fren, i will treasure them well, and i wont let tis kind of mistake happen in my life anymore~

thank you for appear in my life again~


i was told by a lecturer before, he said that he has a student have very poor grammar which he found out when view his blog. he felt ashamed to be his lecturer....

recently writing my training monthly report, i felt i really weak in grammar~ i still cant make the sentences n report nice in past tense or present tense~ i thk tis post also consist of a lot grammar mistake~ i hope nobody will felt ashamed because of my poor english~

Thursday, July 16, 2009


今天是哈里波特-混血王子, 第一天本地公映, 一放工就过去看, 老实说, 只有哈里波特我一定去戏院捧场, 我喜欢故事性很强的书和戏, 每次看完后, 总会觉得睡得很香甜, 可能是幻想细胞被填满吧, 所以睡得很好。
其实结局早就知道了, 都读完了全集。 剧中的男女主角, 好像我们从小看到大,真的长大了。。。

有种如愿以偿的满足感, 我完全不介意再看一遍, 大家可以叫我一起去哦!

现在才发现, 最美好的时刻, 就是结束等待。

原来不用期待, 是如此的放松。

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


我必须承认, 我做工的目的就是为了钱, 从来没想过要成为女强人啊, 负责人啊之类的。
对于做工, 我都只是把本分做好, 我只能说, 也许尽责的人越来越少, 所以我比较容易被交托重任。 (还是因为我比较怕死? 不敢反抗?)

现在才知道, 我未来的工作是如此的繁重, 如此的需要细心, 和专注力, 我有点害怕, 现在的我, 真的不觉得我能够承担这么重大的责任。

有时, 我的上司会很放心的让我去完成我的工作, 但是到发现可能出错时, 她会说, “不要让我对你失去信心”, “我希望不是你做错,” 简单的一句话, 真的让我很压力。 我很感激她对我的信任, 有时我也很不明白, 为什么自己会粗心大意, 这是我的职业, 最忌讳的事。
实习一个月了, 我只能用怕, 来形容我的感受。

人总是要相处后才知道, 还记得第一个礼拜, 好难熬, 被骂得很惨, 也是自己不好, 老做错。。。慢慢的, 同事其实并不难相处, 也慢慢轻松了一些。现在还是会出点小错, 还是会挨骂, 不过这就是实习, 这就是我将来的工作, 我必须适应。。。

熬夜, 加班, 这就是我的工作情况, 永远有做不完的事。。。

有时好想逃, 逃开。。。 我知道其实自己根本还不算最忙,(比起我的上司, 我差得远了) 我也想让自己能够证明自己的极限在哪里, 但是现在的我, 做不到。。。

我不想要成为工作狂, 我只想好好的有一段属于自己的思考时间, 让我好好的思考, 未来。