Friday, November 14, 2008


我最近很少在部落格说自己不开心, 今天破例吧。。。。

其实心情已经平复了, 不想多说了, 祸从口出。


我告诉自己一句话:看别人不顺眼, 是自己的修养不够!

所以, 是我的错。

假期打工, 是有压力的哦。。。

别以为做短期, 就可以瞎混。。。

别傻了, 没有一个工作, 是给你混日子的。

这是个机会, 锻炼的机会。

我要更成熟, 我要更能忍耐。

我不是事业心重, 更不想做女强人。


要让人注意到你, 你就必须有实力。

我不怕他们欺负我, 我只怕他们瞧不起我。

我只想告诉那些人, 你可以不喜欢我的人, 但是你无法质疑我的能力。

还是做小女人好, 无忧无虑, 什么办不到就叫男生帮忙。

我也想啊, 可是体型不适合而已。。。。

最近体重直线上升。。。 自己都受不了了!!!!



Saturday, November 1, 2008

update lo...

Dunno wat i wan to write tiz time, juz let u all c few photo which i take where i go around~~~

This is during raya, the bus terminal move to bkt jalil, then i purposely go there to ensure the travel duration, going alone, very happy bcoz i found the suspension building at KL area, haha~~~ Just a few hour, then start noe the feeling tat travel alone is quite nice~ i like to go alone, is peace n can let my mood getting better. i thk if i need inner peace, i will juz go a place alone. even in bus or LRT, the mood will getting better.

This is wen my bro went to KL, of coz not purposely visit me la, we go KLCC take photo, izzit pretty?

This is in September b4 i start working, mum take me go to Pulau Ubin. haha~~ very happy, bcoz taking the boat, see the sea view~ felt that human is so tiny~ compare to the natural.

Do u noe where is it? this is one of the rest station at PLUS highway, i cant remember the area name d, haha~~~ very surprise, it is very beatiful, muz be spend a lot $ to build this. the most i dun understand is this --->
as we learn in BSE, the calculation about the toilet on how many is need, but tis toilet is very big, i thk more than 50 gua~ hahaha~~

k la, this time till here enuff.... tired d..