Saturday, December 13, 2008


从别人的部落格看到的, 在此转载分享一下。



  那年的圣诞节,女孩送给你一条白色的围巾,她告诉你这是她织成的第一件成品,费了很多功夫的。你不肯收。女孩说:收下吧,这里的冬天很冷的。情人节的那天,女孩送你一条皮带,你又不肯收,女孩说: 别以为我要拴住你,我不会自作多情的,只是见你成天用朋友的皮带怕人家心里不愿意,嘴上又不好意思说,才给你买了一条送给你,你可千万别多心。
  以后的日子。女孩越来越多的凝望你的眼。每次分手的时候都会恋恋不舍,好象每次分手都是永诀,走时还不忘问你:"不想对我说点什么吗?" "天黑了,路上小心点。"你一脸的关切。"谢谢"女孩微笑道,声音里有一点苦涩。望着她消失在夜幕中的背影,你自言自语:"你真傻。"

  "以前我们在一起的日子很快乐不是么?""是的,很快乐。""那你有没有烦过我?""说实话,有过。""难道你没有觉得我对你的感情超过了作为朋友的界限? " "没有呀,我觉得我们是模范好朋友。"你撒谎到。女孩停了下来,等你。你晃了半天才走到她的身边。唉,我担心的事终于要发生了,她的自制力怎么这么差,我们本可以是很好的朋友的。有一个异性知己多不容易呀。看来我们的友谊就要到此为止了。此时,你的心情复杂。
  女孩忽然转过身来,望着你。片刻后,说道:"我爱你""哦,我们现在不是模范好朋友了。"你声音低沉的说。"我爱你"女孩倔强的又说了一遍。" 那又能怎么样呢?"你抬起耷了了半天的眼睛,直视女孩火辣辣的目光。
  女孩扭过头去,半天没有说一句话。"你爱我么?"女孩开始继续向前走。"不爱。"这种拒绝你早已是轻车熟路。"你以后会爱我么?不会。""为什么?""我们相处的日子不短了,我要是爱你。早就爱了,不会等到现在。"你苦口婆心的说道。"如果你爱我,你会告诉我么?" "当然会,如果我早上爱上了你,不到中午'我爱你'这三个字,我就会对你说过不下100次了。" 女孩停下了脚步,你也停在了离她不远的一个花池边,拿出一只烟,点着……
  女孩一直没有说话,也没有继续向前走。你知道她在哭。渐渐的她哭的声音越来越大。她一边哭,一边说:"我就知道会是这样,我早就知道。" 她泣不成声地告诉你,她曾是多么的爱你。而又不敢告诉你,她不奢望得到你的爱,她只是想告诉你,她爱你爱了很久很久。和你在一起的日子快乐也痛苦。每次望着你的时候,就会觉得你近在咫尺而又远在天涯,爱你爱了这么久,可却一点也不了解你。你总是对关于自己的事绝口不提,让她觉得你的心离她很远很远,够也够不着。虽然你就在她的身边。   她说她爱你爱的很辛苦,所有你们在一起的快乐日子都成了她痛苦的根源,无时不思,无刻不想,连梦里也不得安生,她的脑海里装满了你的影子,挥之不去。想你的时候,两只手疯狂拍打自己的头,却也无法摆脱对你思念的苦。

我只觉得这是男生的自私, 女人的傻。。。

突然想起一句话, 会和你搞暧昧的人就是不够爱你。。。

男生们, 请不要以粗心大意为理由, 一味的让女生沉醉自己的一厢情愿中。

请不要贪图她们对你的好, 到最后却只知道闪人。。。

女生别傻了, 如果他连爱你都如此鬼祟, 那这个男人是不可能是个负责任的好男人哦!

Friday, November 14, 2008


我最近很少在部落格说自己不开心, 今天破例吧。。。。

其实心情已经平复了, 不想多说了, 祸从口出。


我告诉自己一句话:看别人不顺眼, 是自己的修养不够!

所以, 是我的错。

假期打工, 是有压力的哦。。。

别以为做短期, 就可以瞎混。。。

别傻了, 没有一个工作, 是给你混日子的。

这是个机会, 锻炼的机会。

我要更成熟, 我要更能忍耐。

我不是事业心重, 更不想做女强人。


要让人注意到你, 你就必须有实力。

我不怕他们欺负我, 我只怕他们瞧不起我。

我只想告诉那些人, 你可以不喜欢我的人, 但是你无法质疑我的能力。

还是做小女人好, 无忧无虑, 什么办不到就叫男生帮忙。

我也想啊, 可是体型不适合而已。。。。

最近体重直线上升。。。 自己都受不了了!!!!



Saturday, November 1, 2008

update lo...

Dunno wat i wan to write tiz time, juz let u all c few photo which i take where i go around~~~

This is during raya, the bus terminal move to bkt jalil, then i purposely go there to ensure the travel duration, going alone, very happy bcoz i found the suspension building at KL area, haha~~~ Just a few hour, then start noe the feeling tat travel alone is quite nice~ i like to go alone, is peace n can let my mood getting better. i thk if i need inner peace, i will juz go a place alone. even in bus or LRT, the mood will getting better.

This is wen my bro went to KL, of coz not purposely visit me la, we go KLCC take photo, izzit pretty?

This is in September b4 i start working, mum take me go to Pulau Ubin. haha~~ very happy, bcoz taking the boat, see the sea view~ felt that human is so tiny~ compare to the natural.

Do u noe where is it? this is one of the rest station at PLUS highway, i cant remember the area name d, haha~~~ very surprise, it is very beatiful, muz be spend a lot $ to build this. the most i dun understand is this --->
as we learn in BSE, the calculation about the toilet on how many is need, but tis toilet is very big, i thk more than 50 gua~ hahaha~~

k la, this time till here enuff.... tired d..

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday

22th old d lo~~~ as i said b4, my most expect 21st bday already past, n not very happy~
so tiz yr really no expect anythings lo~
but my Gd fren, rachel told me a week b4 that she already apply leave on my bday~ haha~ she say wan accompany me wor~~~ suddenly i really feel i own the world~ haha
but in the end, she unable to accompany me also~ but is okay~ i already felt the wishes, hahaha~~~~
tat day, juz step into the contract room~ they shout loudly "happy birthday" hahaha~~ of coz jia yi is the most loud la~ other juz acting oni~ haha
my 1st present is she give me de~ autie anne baked, almond favor, she is yest. i did "an shi" her i wan tat 1~~ haha~~~ but i muz make it clear, i did not an shi her lo~ i juz told her, recently i like to eat tat 1~ haha~~~
then my second present still from her, she give me a keychain which got my name on it~ ai yo~~ very very happy lo~ so sweet, she said is brought at penang, i feel touching bcoz she go travel still did thk of me~~ yii... so sweet ley~~~
then at nite, i ask petit n xuehui go redbox buffet, hohoho~ spend about rm30 per person, actually is 40++ d, but bcoz i sign up for dot red member, then bcome cheaper d~ haha....
then wen i bck hm, petit give me my present, a set of necklace+earings~ hehehe~~~ tq ley~
received gift is most happy de~~
most surprise is wen i bck home, my bro show me a pouch~ waoh!! very very 1st time, he give me a gift ley~ hahaha~~~ of coz i like it lo~ hahaha~~~
actually, every yr i will close all the bday reminder of frenster n facebook~ coz i thk if u got heart, then eventually u will noe my bday~ no need reminder, but this yr i din close, i leave it show to everybody~ then i did receive more blessing wishes~ ^^
thank you everybody~~~ very happy wen received u all bday sms, msn n frenster n facebook msg~ include the belated wish too~ tq!!!!
22th yrs old d, my wishes very simple:
1. slim down
2. always get gd result!
3. healthy n happy always.
4. all my family n frenz happy n healthy as i did!!
haiz~~~ i wan slim down~~ who can motivate me? i thk give me cash will works o~
who so kind n rich? willing to spread some money on tiz?? plz plz...

Friday, October 10, 2008



当学业是女人的全部时, 考得不理想她很有可能崩溃,
当女人说她心很烦时, 就表示她只想和她想聊的对象聊天,
当女人告诉你她心情不好时, 就表示她想和你聊聊,
当女人说她很伤心时, 她只希望你能听听她说话, 她只想告诉你。

千万别得罪女人, 你不知道你什么时候需要她多事的帮助,
女人心很软, 因为她真的相信你不会害她,
女人很有耐心, 因为她希望听你多说些自己的事。

女人, 会因为一句话而得到快乐, 也因为一些你不会注意的小行为, 而懊恼。
女人, 外人面前总是强悍, 但她渴望的是一个有人替自己决定一切, 完全不必顾虑的人生。
女人, 不是你能了解的, 因为她太善变了。。。

千万别对她说:“我太了解你了“, 这可能会造成她决定叛逆。。。
当女人发脾气时, 千万别奢望让她冷静先, 再去找她, 这只会让她更生气你。
当女人固执时, 除非你有把握你是对的,不然你不可能说服她。。。

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Very 1st time Bday celebration ^^

19th Sept 2008, the last semester exam paper -PP1, haiz~ the day b4 exam, i juz go study group until 3/4am forgot d, then sleep within 3 hrs, force myself wake up go for exam d~ u can guess my look sure very very old n not enough sleep...
then, 12noon, finish exam. As a traditional, QS gang have the semester break lunch/dinner togather, tiz time is in KFC... while reach there, i saw tiam poh holding a cake, hoho, by guessing is celebrate for the Sept Bday ppl, (oni one ppl in sept -calvin)
after eating, they said start Bday celebration, haha~ Sept n Oct together ( means chien yee, ah phut n me) quite shock, coz i tot oni 4 sept~ n a bit tired, not much feeling on it. as the 1st time really really all celebrate my bday, im really happy, n a bit blur~ juz feel they keep on kidding me... haiz~ really cant understand y they feel im the "Ho Ma" of the hongkong drama (Moonlight).
haha~ keep on take photo, play fool~~ tiz time got a video too~weileong show his talent again.. later show u all~
Really happy, but my photo not so pretty ley~ the face looks tired~ Cry~~
1st time i cut my own bday cake, but dunno is no skill or the cake problem, after i cut into pieces, really ugly~ haha~ then ask chien yee help lo~ haha~~~

Once again~ TQ everybody~ you guys make my life perfect~

weileong talent show~~ haha~~~

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nice scene...

this is the scene view from my KL condo~~~
evening scene...
beautiful right? hahaha~~
night scene dunno at where d~ next time upload let u all envy la~
exam~~ concentrate..

Thursday, September 4, 2008



不管是什么, 这样才会被人留下深刻的印象。。


烂好人, 你以为容易当啊?

在算钱时, 四舍五入,
不但花自己的时间, 和体力(那一大堆笔记印本)

哈哈, 小事来的, 谁会介意哦!
因为印了一大堆, 多数人根本不知道哪科跟哪科。。。

只是一个例子, 大家不要太介意。
现实社会就是互相利用, 久了就习惯了。。。
叫我帮忙, 我都会帮, 自愿工作者。。。

他告诉我们要专业一个领域, 不能包完所有的事,
要做疯狂的事, 这样人们就很容易记得你。。。

仔细想想, 我也不知道我能独特在哪一方面,
我不知道, 别人在形容我的时候, 是说什么?
“噢, 她人很好。。。” “还有呢?”

# 如果不是在第一顺位,那我宁可不在其中。。。#

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Steamboat festa'08

hoho~ annother dinner gathering in my hs~ steamboat~ due to the cold weather~ n im too bored, so i put my msn personal msg "DIY steamboat ley" on monday~ then a few ppl, same wif me, too bored de~ suggest hving tiz festa on the 2nd day~
at 5pm~ they go jusco buy those things~
then i at my hs, preparing the Tom Yam soup~ special put serai n bawang n cili padi~ hoho~
but the serai too hard, n hui fen (roomate) talking to me, so din concentrate, then cut my finger, lucky is juz the top layer of skin... very shame to tell u all~ as a st john lans coparate, i already forgot wat shd i do~ i juz straight scream "arr... cham, izzit i need to put my finger under water pipe?" and pressing my finger to avoid the blood coming out~ hoho~
then hui fen go take a clean tissue for me, i ask her give me a plaster too~ then straight i wrap it dry, then plaster it, continue my cutting work~
lucky no blood~ hoho~ so careless de~~~
then about 6.45pm, they coming d~ ah tao, amy, tiam poh, sit min n keaven~ in front my hs~ wif handful of foods~ hoho~
then i juz give them knife n those, they start the work of preparation lo~
me ar~ bz wif open door, give plate, give mangkuk~ those lo~ hoho~
then calvin n boon chen reach my hs, haha~ pity tiz two, juz straight kena i halau balik~~~ no la, to take knife~~~ bkiat oso received my phone "bring knife, bring knife" i wonder if passed by heard it, dunno how they think~ haha~~~
those guys juz cant wait d~ keep make noise~ aiyAh~ then after all~ we sit down n start the task put all foods into the pot~ we prepare 2 pot, 1 is tom yam~ 1 is chicken de~ haha~ i oni do tom yam soup early~ then the chicken de~ is depending on maggi cube~ haha~ putting 2 cubes in, still no taste~ sum said put 1 more, but rejected by me, "not healthy" all ppl start scolding "all tiz which 1 is healthy food wor?" haha~ right also~ hot dog, fish ball, tom yam~ haha~~
Nine ppl start nonsense while waiting the food done~
obviously, all ppl prefer tom yam pot~ hoho~ but the chicken 1, faster boil~ while all taking that 1, me start curi makan at tom yam pot d~ hoho~~
Tom Yam~~ hohoho~

dunno do how many time the same sequence (take, grab, put, close) d~ we start feel full d~ haha~ they said im eating less, actually is pretending oni~ wan give them illusion that im eating lesser, try to keep fit d~ to gain better market value la~ haha~
then start cleaning up~ so nice they so helpful will help me clean up~ gd~ then can consider do 1 more time at my hs lo~ hoho~
at 10pm~ seems all is full n tired d~ after cleaning, i let all ppl go bck lo~~ hoho~ every1 get a little gift, tat is the left vegetables n fillet~ haha~
happy ending~~~~
after they go bck~ i mop again the floor then cleaning up the rest, then wash clothes, shower~
wen i take out my plaster, my skin which keep touching water become white d~ then maybe too stress the finger, the blood coming out tiz time... sien~~ not scared as 1st time la~ juz leave it~ as it is not deep cut~ hoho~ now, without plaster, i still use my finger type tiz blog~ haha~~~
so consider ok lo~ gdgd~~ small wound oni~ not to worry~

Friday, August 22, 2008

My Cook~

tiz all done by me~ in kl i always cook de~ dare to eat mah? quite nice de~ haha~

tiz is June in jb~ specially cook for parents n bro~ taste good~ really~ hohoho~

Friday, August 15, 2008


蛮喜欢这首歌, 曲好听,歌词也不错。。。

看了mv,如果明知道他不会赴约, 又何必折磨自己, 做一桌的菜?

越是在乎的人, 越是猜不透。。。

也许是男女想法的差异。。。 (从朋友那里偷的。。。 嘿嘿。。。)










如果妳一直若即若離, 我怎麼敢喜歡妳.
喜歡妳的我, 會不計一切的付出,
因為一旦說出口, 或許再也沒有或許了,

Saturday, August 9, 2008

fireworks of full dress rehearsal of beijing olympics

北京奥运, 烟火彩排。。。 彩排而已哦!!! 真的是。。。 太壮观了, 太华丽。。。
钱来的。。。 汗。。。

Saturday, August 2, 2008


can c the 4 person shadow on the glass?? ^^

Advanced Construction Technology Assignment is to design the roofing system n cladding system, i was so so lucky to join tiz group~ our group member are: Smudge, Boonchen, Calvin, wen chee n myself~~
all ppl noe that calvin is expert in autocadd, for sure we throw all the drawing to him~ haha~ i told him, due to effectiveness n efficiency~ so he got no choice lo~ then we not worry on the drawing lo~~ haha~ poor boon chen n smudge injured juz b4 we wan go to case study at ikano~ lucky now consider ok d~ wenchee is the one always get bully by the 3 guys la~ always ask her treat them pizza~ after assignment upgrade d~ wan go fish market liao lo~ really really bad~~~ haha~~~ but if can i wan also ley~ i never eat there b4 wor~ hehe
tiz is the 2nd assignment i got chance go out, go to the place i din went b4~
haha~ last time BSE2, go to seremban take photo, tiz time manage go ikano n KL Sentral~
Juz the day we wan go ikano, then bchen accident, so cant go lo~ as bkiat injured the day b4 going also~ but we at the end still manage to go~ haha~ coz i never been there mah~ so i force the 2 still consider healhty de guys go~ haha

we go there to study the Cineplex, wan c wheres the column those things lo~
keep walking n photographing~ haha~~~ then go in ikea~ as calvin so so wish to "旧地重游", ceh... Smudge din eat whole day, he so struggle to find a cheap n nice food at there, in the end, until 6pm juz got chance eat the ikea cafeteria meatball~ but i cant eat meat, so i choose salmon which is more expensive, haiz~ the taste is like tuna in a big piece lo~ haha~~~ but is very full lo, bcoz it got 2 potato wif the big piece tuna~ haha~~~

then we manage to get in the shuttle bus at 6.30pm, which dunno wat reason so many ppl in the bus, not even a place for stand lo~ i muz hold tight in case not pushing other wen turning corner~ haiz~~~

tiz is the timetable of the shuttle bus~ if wan save the taxi fee~ u shd rmb it~ ^^

then do those hard work lo~ search info, search picture, search company~ haiz~~ pity la~ then do discussion~ then bully wen chee (not me, of coz ^^)~~ then go yam cha at midnite~ wat a relax life~~

we go KL sentral, wen we make the decision on the roof n cladding d~~ so we go c the actual structure looks like wat~~ haha~~~ the "diabetes patient", suffer in his pain n still insist go wif us, so touching~~ i hope u get well faster then we r not so worry lo~~ haha~~~
when u be there, do u even notice the structure of the building?

Tiz assignment is the most i worry, lucky the group is very cooperate~ haha~ n able to hv fun wen we in struggles~ haha~~~ so much joke n nossense, n card gaming~~ but go thru those things, we manage to get different idea, opinion n nossense~~ haha~~~
lucky boon chen hand no injury~ he sketch by pencil, the building shd be like wat~ he very talent in sketch~ 5ppl, 2 already expert in drw, then 3 of us, without Art in blood cells~ nth can help lo~ lucky i still consider gd in writing~ so the letter i did myself~ with a lot BOMB wording~ haha~~ happy wif it~ then the day b4 due, which i thk i can do the report by my own~ but dunno y start blur n blank~ so i force smudge n wen chee help me doing the report~ tat day i dunno y so siao ei~ keep laugh~ until no sound~ wen we really done all things already 3am morning lo~ then the boss suddenly got mood wor~ wan treat us drink~ haha~ of coz we go yam cha la~ although we cant open the eyes d~~ haha~~~ at the due date, in lecture, the lecturer scolding the class, bring a lot trouble to him~ haiz~~~ i very worry on the assignment lo~ im so blur~ very scare doing serious mistake~ haiz~

But, i still hope this assignment can score, since we put so much effort in tiz, i wan to apologize bcoz wen i doing tiz assignment i dunno y im keep blur, sometime i so clear wif wat i need to do, but sometime i juz blur n so stupid~~ Sorry~~ ok, i promise, if 1 of ur guys c tiz blog, u can come asking me for a treat, i thk i treat Mcd or old town la~~ (i believe u guys wont c tiz blog) others plz dun tell them~ hehe~~) contract valid: 1 month oni~~ hehe~~~
okay~ updated next time, my uni life~~ ^^

Saturday, July 26, 2008


可怜啊。。。 我的手机吊饰才买不到一个月啊。。。 就这样掉了。。。 伤心, 只能说没缘份啦, 还能怎样?
那链是自己买的, 自己选喜欢的饰品挂上去的, RM13哦, 我选的是K跟可爱的钥匙, 因为觉得21岁了, 买把钥匙给自己, 哈哈。。。 但是, 掉了, 难过。 现在经过那条路还是会走慢一点, 会低头找一找。。。 怎么可能找到嘛,唉! 当然你们会叫我再买条一样的, 可是那还是另一条啊, 就不是我原本的啊。 是不是想说我死心眼? 对我就是那么固执, 如果我认为那是我的原则, 那是我的底线,就没有人有办法说服我了。 死脑筋。。。

我也想过啊, 这样会不会太容易被人打啊?或则被误会, 但是我改不到啊, 起码现在还不行, 怎么办呢? 我真的改很多了, 因为我的好朋友都知道, 我脾气很冲, 如果不爽, 就会直接开骂, 现在很少了, 除非我很累, 然后对方又一直挑衅, 就会爆炸咯。。。
最近小考跟assignment, 快一个月没回家了, 妈妈开始念了, 可是没办法, 我真的不能回, 回家只顾看戏, 讲话, 哪会做功课呢? 而且这个学期, 真的没读书, 我承认, 哈哈。。。 没办法啊, 我的藉口就是累, 然后就把死狗搬出来讲咯,哈哈。。。 想它, 还是想它, 看到朋友小狗跟旺旺长很像, 就会难过, 没办法啊, 死脑筋啊。。。
朋友说我讲话喜欢兜圈, 哈哈。。 对啊, 我就是这样不直接, 这是多年社交经验养成的, 为什么? 因为怕得罪人, 怕人误会,怕伤人啊。。。 是这样的啦, 当你被人误会惯了, 就会跟我一样把自己的用词捉很紧, 明明是类似的意思,但就是会重复很多遍,以我的字眼。。。 当你的用词伤过太多人,你就会开始用婉转的词汇了。
今天, 又有触到我的地雷的事了,我怎样解决?除了向好朋友念个不停, 发泄后, 我就算了, 不然能怎样?
跟对方理论吗? 我不想了, 理论是没结果的, 我常说人都认为自己是对的, 谁会觉得他有错呢? 我也常说不要为自己找太多理由, 别人自会觉得你再找借口。。。 说,是说给自己听的, 因为提醒自己别更其他人一样犯错, 因为不想跟别人一样。 我。。 怀疑自己做到了吗?
看开, 是为了对自己好,是为了让自己开心点, 是为了让自己好过一点。 如果我不再执著我的固执, 我就更轻松了, 我。。 做得到吗? 妈妈长江我学学我的好姐妹, 没错, 他真的什么都不计较, 好的,坏的, 他都觉得过了就算了, 他常说我“佳慧,做么你要管酱多?“ "ignorance is a bliss" 当我最不开心的时候, 他这么提醒我。 好久没跟他联络了,一直碰不上。。。 不过我不怕友谊变质, 因为没可能变了, 我和他, 就是那么的要好, 忙归忙, 我相信彼此都关心着对方, 那就够了。
昨晚, 有个朋友说我的心善良, 就像水晶球一样。哈哈, 不敢当, 我只是不想管了, 就随便吧, 不计较。 觉得自己有双重性格, 有时大方,有时小气。 我的藉口嘛。。。 就是别触碰我的底线,万事好商量。。。
最近,很糊涂, 别问我为什么,我也不知道,我只能用藉口告诉你:“人生难得糊涂。。。“

Friday, July 11, 2008

Inner Peace

something happen, something i wont forget in rest of my life. something i dun wish to say anymore.
im so full, by eating death cat, all the while~ nvm, is not 1st time, im mature girl, wont do childish things already. u give, i swallow. thats all.
if u r my frenz, if u r believe me, plz continue trust me, i really losing confidence.

"everything is gonna be all right" my frenz courage me wif tiz song.
im really ok, it juz a side effect, after all.

Monday, July 7, 2008

For my doggy...

看了“导盲犬小Q" 跟“心动奇迹“, 我是故意看的, 因为我会想起你。 人总是失去后才会珍惜, 我后悔没好好照顾你, 我一直在想, 如果我没找借口, 如果我没偷懒, 勤劳的帮你冲凉, 多陪你一会儿, 你可能还在我身边打转。
一直以为你可以陪我到毕业, 乖乖的等我, 不是说好要健健康康的吗?骗人的, 死狗! 真是笨到死, 叫你等我, 你尽然等却不等完, 只让我见你最后一目, 却不让我陪你。 怎么这么笨啊!!!
现在的我,不喜欢在后面房跟厨房, 更不会走到后门, 都是你害的! 我快疯了, 竟然会幻听到你的铁链声, 哈哈。。。
虽然说, 这就是人生; 虽然说, 我还有乐乐; 虽然说, 你走的很安详。
但是, 你是我的宝贝, 我们之间的回忆, 是乐乐不能代替你的,是不会被遗忘的, 是不可能重来的。
我想你, 也许没陪你走最后一程, 是我的遗憾, 也可能是愧疚, 因为我害怕你会走得更早, 我是故意迟回的。
我好无聊哦, 你都不是人, 又笨, 写部落格你都不懂。。。 我为什么还写? 为一想到的借口, 就是我想让大家知道我曾经有只笨狗, 它叫- 旺旺。

Monday, June 30, 2008


电影:我和狗狗的10个约定。。。 最感同身受的就是最后一个约定。。。


Monday, June 23, 2008

Eye on Malaysia--June 15

yoyo~~ finally i can online in kl d~ so so so~~~ happy~ haha~
tell u all~ i manage go tmn tasik titiwangsa on june 15, bcoz my hsmate cute gf coming~ n then 4 of us after dinner going there by motor~~ wah~ is my 3rd or 4th times by motor lo~ but not scared d~ juz really cant let my hand away from the hand holder at bck~ kena marah sia~~ haha~ my hsmate complaint will be laugh by others lo~ but so sorry~ cant let go la!!
then we juz cant let go the chance go up the top of the kl~ to view the full scene~ so~ we spend rm15 go up~~ haha~~

haha~~ never thought i will spend the money for the 15++ min, about 5-6 round~ haha......
very very happy~ it used to be 1 of my wishes~

then on the 26th june~ the day of ptptn released~ i was in pasar malam wif hsmate, smudge told me this news~ then i tell me hsmate, i wan go ask the price for my new hp~ which i plan to buy since i was in form 6~ few yrs passed, finally i brought k800i wif 1gb memory card in rm650~ woah!! i so excited~ haha~~~ finally success buy~ hurray!!!
my june pass very happy n memorable~ haha~~~ will updated soon~ c ya!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Short break in May~

hohoho~~ my long lost fren always demand me update my blog~~ very fierce lo!! she said she really wan scold #$%@ haha~~~
lets go bckward, i tell u my short break 3 weeks i doing wat ba!!

my semester exam end on 2 maY~ n very lucky i start work in besta again on 3rd may~ haha~~ so much pressure tiz time~ coz got 12 part timer in the same time~ u noe how scared i am? i scared if i not perform well then die liao lo~ haha~ (very lose face) haha~

they all r 1988 fellows~ except karen & ghia yee~~ but i kena bully by them~ haiz~ (no la~ kidding oni) they really help besta upgrade the product a lot~ i really suprise by their works lo~ haha~
too bad i cant show u all my works~ haha~ or u all go buy besta la~ then can c my work~ also support nicholas la!!

on my very last day~ i asking them take a photo with me~ but all not very interest in ley~ so sad~~~ then tiz the result lo~ u c especially the guys~ macam~ really dislike take photo sia~~~

happy time with them~ hope they successfully get the course they want~~~

then~ i have sometime with those pelangian~ they organize the celebration for MAY n JUNE bday babies~ u noe wat~~ tiz time i get the photo very fastly ley!!! haha~ coz ah wong send it fast lo~

Actually is quite a num of photo la~ but other photo all show my weakness very clearly, so i refuse to post up~ haha~~~ tiz the best photo lo~~

Special note: on tiz three weeks, i cant meet my dearest fren, RACHEL. she busy with her duty to take care more patient~ haha~ n i wan mention, she miss her bday celebration too~ hahaha~~~

my holiday is happy~ got ppl ask me, y juz 3 weeks i wan work ley? is bcoz i wan earn $$, i wan earn experience in life, and i get some bonus.... i earn the new frenships...... haha~~~

the biggest event in MAY for juzme life will be my doggy "wangwang" passed away..... haiz~
no need to ask, i was very sad tat time, n i noe i wont forget my baby doggy~ BUT as i said, life goes on~ so nth to said~ haha~~~

thats all 4 today~ gd nitez~

Saturday, May 31, 2008


ya~~ a stupid girl spend rm48, skip 2 days class, travel from kl to jb, to take care the few days refused eating de damn dog..... then~ on the day she bck~ the dog died.
She make a promise with the dog " muz wait her bck, muz get well b4 she bck"
wat can she said? oni can say the idiot dog dunno wat is a promise.
haiz~~~ the dog juz pass its 11 yrs old bday~ (if she not wrong)
she manage to c it b4 bury.....
she noe the dog is peaceful and without pain while its pass away.... then tats is enuff......
Life goes on....
doggy, thx for accompany me 11 yrs.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


我要学会割舍, 学会放弃, 学会不计较, 学会大方。
哈哈。。。 我啊。。。 难咯。。。
超介意的咯!! 不想说明。。。
就这样啦, 不说了。。。

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

do u feel it too?

最近, 天灾就有两宗, 缅甸风灾, 四川地震。 同样夺取上万人的性命。 对地震比较有印象, 因为看到新闻报道, 看着灾民受困灾区, 看着报道说明那建筑物本是一所学校, 说困的多是中一,中二生。随着时间流逝, 抬出来的是一具又一具的尸体, 看到遗体而哭天抢地的父母,如此悲烈, 而且中国的政策下, 那是家庭中唯一的孩子。一场无预紧的天灾, 夺取了他们的唯一宝贝, 要他们如何面对?

今天看到报道, 一个灾区指挥官说了如此伤感的话:“我连我母亲也顾不上救了, 快救学生。” 他宁愿让自己这一辈子内疚, 自责。 为的就是救那些拥有明天的人。 (母亲已近八十几的高龄了)

身在无天灾的国家的我们, 你作何感想?

突然又想到陈奕讯的月黑风高, “下一代 我们再我们再唉声叹气
在沼泽里无能为力 想不到为什么会在这里,又想去那里。。。”

有时真的觉得自己连悲观的权利也没有, 和那一些连生存都是需要努力, 坚持, 等待他人的帮忙。 我们如何允许自己自爱自怜??

倒塌的医院, 最需要帮手的地方, 都是生命啊, 刚出生的婴儿, 伤者, 看了真的不忍。

那些养尊处优的,总会为了些小事而生气, 懊恼, 不能谅解他人, 为自己找借口, 为自己的错误, 为自己的缺点怪罪其他人, 暗中伤害他人的人。

去看一看那些等待救援的人, 那些失去亲人的人, 那些步行到灾区给于帮助的人, 那些空降到灾区的士兵! 思考一下, 你的人生, 有什么事, 你有什么资格悲观? 你有什么理由生气?你凭什么?

我们应该庆幸, 珍惜拥有的, 除此之外, 想一想, 别再以自己为中心, 别总认为自己是对的, 听取他人的意见, 在你还有别人的意见可听时。 在你不是为生存而挣扎中, 在你还拥有时。。。

Monday, May 12, 2008


1st: My Blog update!!

yaya~ update now~ although i really no idea yet~haha~~~
due to the stress give by mon petit~ i muz update my blog~ haha~~
she suggest me write my love story~~ but rejected by me~ coz i no love story to tell u all~
( but i can always create 1 for u all, if u all have the interest.....)
so she suggest me write my opinion in life~ but i dunno wat i recently create the opinion~ so cant also~
then she said write ur working life lo~ erm~ but due to "p & c" of the company~ n my lazyness~
i rejected oso~~~
so? wat i will write?? haha~~~
u continue view my blog lo~~~~ then u figure out wat i thk, wat i say lo~

2nd My View
i'm a girl that will be very happy bcoz brought a very cheap jacket~ (RM7.9 if i not mistake).
i'm a girl that willing to spend money to treat my frenz pizza~~~ ( but they insist payback~ the person give me $$ still kena my hot temper, so sorry~~~)
i'm a girl that will scold the pontianak sch rampas my sch fee~~ (RM4672 next sem)
i'm a girl that will keep calculate my OT claim reach how many~
i'm a girl that will write down my everyday expenses~~
my money view is~ "i dun care how much it spend, but i do care how much it worth".....

I'm used to be a hot temper ppl, easy get angry if u break my rules.
BUT now~ is rare i will angry ppl......
i'm not a patient ppl~ but now~ everyone feel strange how ca i still remain calm.....
i'm used to be a serious ppl, now still the same~
serious~ serious in work~ force myself finish task ASAP, even ot ( of coz i like ot, got pay de ley~~), rare u can c me snake in office~
serious in studies, (i really hope can get 1st or 2nd upper in degree)
serious in life ( everyday shd live happily to not regret sumthgs)
serious in love....... never have bf.... ( all rite, i admit lah!! is nobody wan me la!) sien....

my philosophy~
~~"do everything u thk is rite, care everyone u thk is worth"
~~thk b4 u do anythgs, do the thgs u mind regret in future, dun regret after u do.
~~if u regret, juz thk again wat is the best way~ then adjust n do again.....
~~keep telling others ur sadness wont help u get off of sadness. but do help u in confirm u already get off......
~~ wen ppl doing sumthing that u unable to accept, dun judge them but do thk from their side b4 u get mad...... coz everyone hv diff. opinion, is not all ppl same wif u~
~~ wen ppl purposely annoying u~ juz ignore them~~ coz the level is dif bet. u n them~~~

haha~~ tats wat i recently doing, thking la~~ really no idea 4 blog lo~ but yet still so many things to write~ haha~~~ i always try to be the nice person, but not everyone thk i'm nice~ haha~~
weird~ i like the thgs might be totaly diff~ juz like i like arvil lagvine but i like MLTR......
contrast gua~~ juz as i said b4~ "dun even said u noe me too well, dun judge me by ur ruler b4 u really understand me~~ "

Saturday, April 12, 2008


突然发觉第一次用华语写这个的部落格, 哈哈。。。 还是没差别啊, 最近啊, 过得不错啊。
跟那班疯子闹, 心情满开朗的, 看完“原来我不帅”, 笑翻了。。。 小庄努力为自己制造能大笑三声的回忆。 我也有吧? 哈哈。。。。
还有很多照片。。。。 哈哈~~~
读书嘛。。。 希望能帮他们考好好, 也希望我自己考更好, 哈哈~~ “人不为己,天诛地灭!” 哈哈。。。。。
一定要提一提, 上次没通知好pelangian我回kl 的时间, 害他们白跑一趟, 真的真的很过意不去。。。。 对不起啦。。。。
这次我回来多几天啊! 哈哈。。。。
没灵感, 不写了。。。

Friday, March 21, 2008

Me again~~~

rainning outside~
so come in computer lab gain back so $$ hehe~~~
no la~ juz wan tell everyone~ i already 1 month din bck home~ i miz home now~
home sick~~ seriously~ so very emotional~ i thk~~~ i can cry anytime, anywhere wif my feel now.
about my genting trip~ haha~ extra fun~ 1st time get drunk!! n worst is juz drink oni 3 to 4 cup~~ haha~~~ they all sick gamblers~ haha~~ spend so much inside casino~~ and even in hotel room still gambling by using liquor~~~
a lot pic, actually~ next time la~ din save in my pendrive.
actually i living happy rite now, true~ with no thought to those unhappy things, wif a lot of nice frenz~ wif a lot of presentation~
who will believe that a person which be MC, pembahasan, syarahan, ucapan~ yet always get nervous on every presentation?? haha~~~ haiz~~~ but tiz is fate la~ by lucky draw, even worst trick my group member d yet still get the "chance of presentation"~~~
n i enjoy my uni life. always go red box, green box, anywhere as long as we plan~ haha~~~
part of the reason that i think my singing getting better~ hehe~~~
muz mention~ thx jean, evol n mon petit always come view my blog~~~ very sorry i no time view urs 1 by 1~~ hehe~~ next time la~ n~ hey~ i thk i can bck next week or next next week~ 5 me go kai kai on saturday ok?? haha~~~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

have fun~~

ya~ me again~ in pc lab~ haiz~ thursday muz summit assignment~ today later go genting!~ haha~ not yet rest enuff since last last week go pai en UM hostel having fun with yam cha with a gang bio scientis and then last week go seremban for assignment photo shooting~ then today go genting play wor~~~ haha~~~ but weird~ mummy allow~~

die die la~~~ so much activity!~ really crazy gang~~ haha~~~
but hope will be extraordinary fun la tiz trip~~~ haha~~~

due to assignment again~ end blog here~ hehe~~

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wat a waste~~

now~ 27th FEB 2.10pm~ i at UTAR FES computer lab~ fully utilized my RM4705 "donation" 2 pontianak~ juz go few frenz blog comment~ maybe some fren wonder y i missing since CNY~~
haiz~~ long story~ juz cut in short words~ my selfish ex0hsmate cut off my lousy network connection~ therefore i so long din appear in msn n my lovely baby~ haha~~~
with due date tomolo, assignment~ i not yet finish~ but coming bloggy~ really can scold me d~ i noe~ in excuse of need to search the material of assignment~ spending RM3.20 transport fee~ to this air-con lab~ cool~~~
let me juz simply describe my life in KL tiz few weeks~ ( coz assignment not yet finish~~)

wat a waste?
i brought a second-hand fridge which i have been waiting a year~~~ RM370~~~
izzit a waste?

wat a waste?
roomate moving out, no newcomer, need to stay alone, RM230 monthly rent fee.
izzit a waste?

wat a waste?
quarrel with frenz or juz keep silence?

wat a waste?
calm down even feel very angry after listening some RIDICULOUS excuses, choose to ignore it.
izzit a waste?

wat a waste?
waste time on angry someone which dun even care ur feeling? OR juz focus on study n person who really care me?

tiz time~ due to need to do assignment, n start feel cold~
i stop my blog till here~
do u all noe wat the life i live in KL d?
do u all believe i actually bulied by other?
do u all really care me n believe my personality?
i hope u all will. happy living~

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lovely CNY 2008

leave pelangi sch so many yrs d, but still able meet each other once a yr is a fortunate~
yala~ we all noe is bcoz the ang pow la~~ haha~~~
1st day of CNY they already dinner in samuel hs (our big boss), but i din join la~ coz i prefer eat with my family~
2nd day they date again go movie CJ7, n i heard they already goin few frens hs "bai nian" d~
me juz bck from pontian then join them 4 movie~ got boss, lady boss, twei, wong, evol, rachel, arron, mon petit, yu n me~ 10 ppl wor~~~ tiz few fellow we always c la nth special~ but in leisure mall, we met our senior gang, erm they change quite a lot haha~~~ all become pretty n handsome lo~~
then go our "merah highland" start the "business" u noe~ haha~~~ playing blackjack all the nite~~~ n i so lucky hv a title "blackjack queen" hohoho~~~ but rachel, boss n yu not so lucky lo~ but i thk the most bad luck is yu lo~ juz a player also lose haha~~~ rachel n boss "sacrifice" their $$ to be banker, hehe~~ nvm la~ u all start earn $$ d~~~ play till 3am morning~ very chiok ley~~~
3rd day, i tot no more date, who noes our pretty girl may jean wan start her business ( not gambling la) she start "bai nian" collect ang pao~~ i'm her 1st passenger~ then we go mon petit hs, tiz is my 1st time visit her hs after renovation. n also after 4 yrs visit her mother~ hehe~ auntie dun rmb me liao lo~~ haha~~~ then wen she noe who i am she say "so many yrs d, u still so fat" erm~~ ya la~ her daughter dunno wats wrong slim down so much~~ me really no much dif lo~ haha~~
then 3 girl go twei hs~ the guys( marcus, malcolm, wong) already there n waiting our "special guest" jason<--- he already 1 yr din bck jb~~ really kena sabo badly~ haha~~~ then chating bck our forum~ y tiba tiba occur "lavander boss", then reload M-16, n many more nossense haha~~~
then go bck my hs~ add up boss, lady boss, nurse n cop~ haha~~~ quite suprise my mother rmb them all~ haha~~
then go yu hs~ muz mention, his sis de skin very very pure n perfact lo~ envy~~~
then go M & M hs~ hahaha~ bcoz v haven hv conclusion eat at where~~ haha~~~ big M drop us n go 5 his beloved lo~~ then we 13 ppl( +evol la, he miss a lot fun d, hehe~) go tmn molek eat a barbeque restoran~ (erm, lazy describe, for more information, plz log on to she will give u the full detail on food~ haha~~~)
after dinner, we decide go only 100m away from jusco terbau city jason hs~~ now we noe wats the actual length of 100m~ haha~~~ a lot joke occur but they will oni pelangi kaki will understand~ so i dun mention at here~~~
then go bck "merah highland" waiting boss~~~ then the business till 5am~~ wah~~ really crazy lo~~~ haha~~~~
Muz mention v got 4 car in tiz 1 day trip, juz as mon petit say seems like wedding fetch bride~~~ ya~ then i start thinking, if 1 of us get marry, will all the gang join togather? will we juz like today? 4 car follow? 2008~ all already 22~ but still young to get marry~ but too old to be single~ but tiz doesn't mean all the single muz be togather as couple~~ haha~ tiz yr sam n rachel bring their partner, next yr will it be more ppl join tiz? can we comfirm our next yr trip? can we say the 3rd day of CNY is pelangi day? will all frenz join?
a person tell me b4, frenz if get along then is frenz, if not then no lo~
my opinion is frenz if i care u & u care me then is frenz, if i care u, u dun care me then no lo~
wat is care? care wen i manage 5 u wen i need ur care. care wen u cant 5 me but still ask other how i am. care no matter good or bad happen, u will noe eventually bcoz we r frenz.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Did i? shd i?

erm~ many thinking appear recently, but din wrote down so forget already~~
haha~~~ juz let me tell u wat my view~~~
in dec 2006, my colluegue tell me that girl who go KL study will change slightly or a lot~ ( do u understand wat change he meant? u noe la~~ hehe~~)
i ask y, but i forgot wat he said~ i still remember wat i thinking tat time~
i told myself, i dun thk i will change~ reason?? erm~ self confidence~~ in tat time~

jan 2007, i go kl, setapak UTAR, persue my degree~ Quatity surveying~
at tat time i dun even noe wat is tat course about, haha~~~ coz is not my 1st choice~ but believe in fate~ so i carry on~ wif my "close fren" haha~~ since form 1 noeing her till now, form 2 start sit beside me, do u think "close" enuff?? ya~ she really my gd fren, n my roomate lo~
the day wif our family~ take the red bus, lrt, taxi, reach the condo "melati utama", tat time is my 3rd time go kl~ so brave~ oni noe TBR n MU, wangsa n genting klang langsung tak denger b4~~
1st nite~ the lousy digi line hv no connection~ 2 little poor girl~ oni thing to do is chating over nite~ haiz~~~ so bored~ i din cry at all~ but i thk she cry at nite, cover with blanket~
wat on my mind tat time? i juz dun thk n keep try as fast to get along wif my new place, new begins... so, can say i'm brave girl n strong mind~ i think i doing quite good~
1st day in utar~ try to make new frenz~ try to get our timetable, juz new for us.
1st sem in utar~ 2 girl wif no entertaiment, oni things to do is chating overnite... analize our new fren character, our studies, our family~ i sharing every information i noe.

" something is not suitable to tell u" BOOM~~ haha~ i muz say tiz sentence i will remember quite a long time~ not bcoz i angry~ is bcoz this sentence let me noe that my character is not so trustable~ quite sad actually~
dear all frenz~ if u not believe me, then dun tell me ur secret~ most of the time i will tell to annother frenz~ is true~ i admit~ not bcoz me is sampat~ is bcoz i not pandai in keeping secret~ but if u added "tiz is secret" then i wont say~
i'm a silly girl~ is true~ i ez trust ppl which i consider is my gd frenz~ ez get hurt bcoz backstab by "frenz"~ ez let ppl noe wat in my mind~ quite stupid really~
1st sem~ my result is not gd~ 2.74~ i also dunno y? juz dun hv a special "ability" call "lucky", quite hurt~ i cant accept it, bcoz i really thk i can do it better~ haha~ is bcoz of something i too care, tats y my result will become tiz~
1st sem~ gain new frenship~ can i trust them? y not? juz be frenz~ haha~~ remember the wednesday gathering in green box~ eating in pizza hut~ happy valentine wif them~ haha~ i remember tat nite i tell ah kit "hope my next yr valentine is not wif u" haha~ hey~ i really not mean i can get a lover, is i mean he can get a lover, now he really did, also steal away my accompany~ walao ei~~ next time i dun wan say anything liao~ so "zhun" lo~ haha~~~
sunway trip~ wif tatoo gang~ i remember i terkejut by ah tao~ bcoz his stupid hand makes me carry rm500 to petaling street~ my buddha~ i really cried out lo~ ( for ur information, i never carry so much money b4, n worst go petaling street fomous in kes curi n ragut) n then later i heard my gang frenz all also kena terkejut by me~ scared me really cry lo~ haha~~~ sorry sorry~ tiz is me la~

2nd sem~ tough sem for me~ cry a lot~ but oso gain few frenz which i really can trust n reliable~
nobody believe me cry n get hurt by other~ but once u really noe me~ u will noe i'm not so tough n can hold my tears, i juz a girl~ a girl who need frenz support wen i was down~
2nd sem~ still go sing k wif crazy qs gang~ now my singing is consider ok lo~ haha~~~ love sing k~ u noe~ really like~
2nd sem~ wif the mindset fight for 3.0, my result really quite gd~ 3.12~~ u noe, i really really happy wif tiz b4 i noe 3 coursemate score 3.6 above~~ sien~~ r they really human?? y they can score so high? haiz~~~the time i noe my result~ the joy i tried to share wif all the person i care~ but in chinese idiom " a pot cold water" somebody juz simply "yaya, so, Mm, good lo~" then tat time i shd noe, not all ppl will share my joy as their joy too~ i shd noe~ not all ppl wan u share ur joy wif them~ i shd noe, not all ppl care u as u care them....

holiday, i shd said is annother learning chance 4 me~ wif ppl already success in their life, i learn a lot~ by the working environment i learn upgrade my eq is 1st criteria i muz hv to hv the chance of success~
holiday, i gain bck a frenship tat i abort 4 yrs d~ actually~ if u ask me y? y we quarrel tat time? y i wan tiz frenship bck? i can oni say is bcoz my childish, i dun treat mon petit as fren anymore that time. y i wan tiz frenship? bcoz i finally understand the taste being ignore by someone~
i dun wan i regret in life~ tat time i said, NO, bcoz i believe i wont regret, now i said YES, bcoz i believe i will regret~~ haha~~~

my 1st yr pass d~ do u thk i change? for sure will change la~ haha~~ my mind also change~ my thinking also difference~ do i become bad?? erm, i will said the same, no~ i'm not tat kind children where parent cant control u then turn bad~ My believe is even no ppl control me, i shd control myself~ i wont turn bad~ bcoz i'm have enuff mature n understand wat is most suit me~ n good to me~ those will not make me more gd i wont do~ 21st d~ no longer little girl which cannot tahan other ppl persua lo~

Now, Feb 2008. live happy, stay lovely, become pretty~~ ya, true i never fall in love, never hv admirer~ but still~ i happy wif wat i hv now~ with positive thinking~ i will success in my life~ no matter wat i am in future~ i strongly believe my family, my frenz will give me their support~ will believe in me~ will not betray me~ love u all.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yoyo~~ my 3rd bloggy baby~~

haha~ ya~ after persuade by mon petit n evol~ finally decide built the 3rd in blogspot~ haha~~
u noe, i juz cant abondon 2 other baby~ a lot memories ley~ beside based on my theory " cant put all the eggs in same basket~" so as u wish 3rd is coming~ hehe~~

then we muz sign agreement!!! everytime new post muz comment k!! i will go comment de~ really~ i swear, if i not forget my password again~ hehe~~